First, electronic equipment
a. Non-recurrent electronic equipments should be cleaned regularly, dusted, and regularly energized to prevent components from being damaged by moisture.
b. Regularly perform part inspection and performance testingto understand the technical status and ensure that the equipment is always in good working condition.
c. Equipment that uses a rechargeable battery to maintain its data or program internally, and should be powered on regularly.
Second, laboratory environmental conditioning equipment
a. The anti-submersible filter of the air conditioner indoor unit and the dehumidifier should be cleaned at least once every two months, and the outdoor unit should be regularly maintained and cleaned to improve the heat dissipation effect. This is both a need to improve efficiency and effectiveness, and a need to prevent overload-induced fires and damage to equipment.
b. The ceiling fan and fan in the laboratory should be cleaned regularly, dusted and lubricated.
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