- Adjust the concentration of the solution. When the content of the measured component is high, the amount of the sample may be less, or the solution may be diluted to control the absorbance of the solution between 0.05 and 1.0.
- Use cuvettes of different thicknesses. Since the absorbance A is proportional to the thickness of the cuvette, the thickness of the cuvette is increasedwill make absorbance A increased.
- Select a blank solution. When the color developer and other reagents are colorless, and there are no other colored ions in the tested solution, distilled water can be used as a blank solution. If the color developer itself has color, Distilled water with the color developer is used as a blank If the developer itself is colorless and there are other colored ions in the solution to be tested, the test solution without the developer should be used as a blank.
In case you require any information or have doubts, feel free to reach out to WUBOLAB, the laboratory glassware manufacturer.