The correct use of the burette

  1. The correct method of titration

The titration should be made by inserting the tip of the Laboratory Burette into the cone of the cone (or the mouth of the beaker) at 1–2cm. The titration rate should not be too fast. It is suitable for 3–4 drops per second. Flow down and shake the conical flask while dripping.

Rotate circumferentially in the same direction without vibrating back and forth, as this will spill the solution. Near the endpoint, add 1 drop or half drop, and use a small bottle to blow into the inner wall of the conical flask, so that all the attached solution flows down, then shake the conical flask to see if the endpoint has been reached. If the endpoint has not arrived, continue titrating until the endpoint is reached accurately.

  1. The burette reading should follow the following rules
  • After injecting the solution or releasing the solution, wait for 30s–1min before reading.
  • The burette should be placed vertically on the titration stand or hold the upper end of the burette with two fingers to make it vertically before read
  • For colorless solutions or light-colored solutions, the actual lowest point of the lower edge of the meniscus should be read. For colored solutions, the line of sight should be cut to the highest point on both sides of the liquid surface. The same standard is applied to the initial reading and final reading.
  1. burette use precautions

(1) After using the burette, pour off the remaining solution in the tube, wash it with water, add distilled water to the above level, and cover the tube with a large test tube. In this way, it is not necessary to wash it with the washing liquid before the next use.

(2) When the acid burette is not used for a long time, the piston part should be padded with paper. Otherwise, the plug is not easy to open for a long time. When the alkali burette is not in use, the hose should be unplugged and some talcum powder should be stored.

If you have any doubts or need more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with WUBOLAB, the laboratory glassware manufacturer.

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